Sunday, July 26, 2009


as i ponder our impending return to bethlehem, pennsylvania,
the words of yeats again come to mind ...

And what rough beast, it's hour come round at last,
Slouches toward Bethlehem to be born?

and it occurred to me that maybe we are indeed some kind of beast.
often, over the years, this beast BROTHER has changed its form.
and more often than not bethlehem has witnessed the new.
i look forward to unveiling the latest incarnation of the beast this week.



  1. Angus,
    You know I love you and the guys. Always will. Many years I have followed you through this wonderful crazy trip.
    I have to say, this last blog has me disturbed.
    (BTW You need not post this~this is for you)
    The very mention of a 'beast' being born in Bethlehem smacks of antichrist. It at least alludes to that. I feel this verbage would be offensive to Him.
    If I didn't know the King of Kings personally in a very real way, I guess I wouldn't see this. We talk every day and He deserves Honour.
    Love you very much, and I hope someday soon you will see this for yourself. The Way, the Truth, and the Life! :o)
    I hope we can see you soon again in So. Cal.!

  2. no offence was meant kilted wee lass.
    i'll admit it was a bizarre analogy. this poem of yeats' has always intrigued me and when i remembered we were heading to bethlehem PA in a few days it amused me to mention the beastie that is BROTHER. at the end of the day it is only a poem, tho admittedly rather intense in its imagery. to me, ultimately, any good poem is just symbolic and commenting on the human psyche. and good for getting the creative juices flowing. in my mind jesus is above it all anyway. or rather ... in, but not of.
    hopefully see you at the coach house.

  3. Alas Angus you speak so true--"o little town of Bethlehem" does await it's awesome Brother "beast" of tribal music with baited breaths. We are waiting with open arms to embrace this euphoria once again.
    See you Friday.

  4. Errr... what? No offence to you KiltedWeeLass or your religious beliefs, but I think a simple analogy (quite poetically put by the way Gus) has been completely taken out of context here. Should we be throwing the Antichrist around and speculating about what Jesus would find offensive? The King of Kings, Prophet, Son of God, Healer, Teacher... whatever a person believes him to be, and whatever is a person's relationship with him is a personal matter. I don't think anyone should presume to judge...

  5. Embracing each incarnation of Brother can sometimes be difficult, especially when we are missing someone we have grown fond of, be it a blood brother or a musical brother. However, we have our CD's for the older incarnations and the live shows for the new and each are deeply loved and appreciated by fans such as myself who come back again and again to see what always turns out to be a surprise and a gift.

    Musikfest was terrific! Please never stop coming back (and we'd love to see you at the Celtic Classic again sometime!)

