Tuesday, February 1, 2011

egypt - rising like lions

thinking of the people of egypt,
with a million or more people on the streets as i write.
our time there a few years ago was truly magical.
an incredible place. wonderful people.
the memories make what's happening all the more real.
my brother in law's family is there in cairo, a part of it all.
the stories we hear are astounding.
of the multitudes shunning violence,
but remaining resolute in their stand.
protecting each other against the government's agents.
doing their best to thwart false flag outrages.
a human shield around the cairo museum.
christians and muslims worshipping together en masse,
protecting each other.
my sister's brother in law, shot in the head with a rubber bullet.
miraculously okay. others not so fortunate.

the words of percy brysshe shelley come to mind.
written in 1819 after the peterloo massacre,
the poem they are from is said to be the first modern statement
on the principle of nonviolent resistance ...

rise like lions after slumber
in unquenchable number.
shake your chains to earth like dew
which in sleep had fallen on you -
ye are many, they are few.


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