Tuesday, June 16, 2009


back home for a while now.
i am loving being a dad.
it is something i hadn't truly envisioned
until relatively recently.
but now the visions come all the time.
i am in the moment with him. and i am visualizing ahead.
it is a captivating, mind blowing state to be in.

as a new parent different things catch my attention now.
this link was sent to me by a good friend. thank you elizabeth.
this bloke had me laughing, reeled me in with his humour,
and thereby made his points all the more memorable.
good food for thought
as one anticipates having a child to educate.
the idea that we can have an education system
that nurtures, rather than kills, creativity ...

the grass is longer still.
another thunderstorm's on the way.
a sleeping baby lies in my arms,
and a new tune plays in my mind.
i am enjoying the spring ...



  1. Hey Gus, that is indeed a wonderful TED talk by Ken Robinson. I posted it on my facebook a while back. Another speech you may enjoy is this one by Elizabeth Gilbert about the nature of "creative genius".

  2. nice one em. you always were a few steps ahead...
    'creative genius' is indeed fascinating. takes the pressure off everyone.
