Wednesday, May 20, 2009

costa mesa 1997, this weekend

                3 rather clean cut brothers, 1997. our last year sharing a stage.

in california with the family.
asa was a champion flying for the first time .
very proud of him. to have him on the road is a dream.
don't wake me up ...
back to costa mesa this weekend with the fellas.
so many memories there.
it will inevitably be very different after 11 years away.
well, we are different too. aren't we always?
all these photos are from '97,
the last year all 3 brothers appeared in BROTHER.
we're all looking rather clean cut,
following some particularly shaggy years.
dalbo's back there too, somewhere off screen,
no doubt looking his usual dashing self.
thanks to imaar and marisa for these ones.
my, what cool pants i had.
i'm told the gazebo we played in no longer exists. 
what other surprises await us? 
however things look i anticipate a joyous sweaty couple of days.



  1. I have almost these exact same pictures!!! I remember this gig so well -- particularly because there was one song when Fergus lost his chanter reed and I don't think you and Hamish knew it, because you started the song anyway! I have a picture of that somewhere... you and Hamish rockin', and Fergus off to the side trying to shake a reed out of his bag... :-)

    Sweet memories!!!

  2. Looking forward to hearing you guys today. I think it's been nearly as long since I've been to the Costa Mesa games. Has it (only) been 11 years already?

  3. I was there in '97. Saw and heard you guys for the first time. Glad to have you back.

  4. Great shows yesterday. I'm really looking forward to the Coachhouse.

  5. The evolution of brothers, circimstances and music - joyous to behold
